User Experience Research Process at Cogito


The Ask

The ask of this project was to record and document the process of Cogito’s User Experience Researchers working with Cogito’s internal and external client partners to:

●      Support them through a successful First Implementation and beta periods

●      Support them during future expansion talks and retention periods

●      Aggregate all data in a repository to inform future client engagements in the pre-sales process

●      Aggregate all data in a repository to inform expansion and retention periods

●      Ensure UX Research and UX Research findings are properly appropriated and applied

●      Socialize the UXR process for our internal partners to understand how to engage UX Researchers

 The ultimate vision of the document was for our Cogito UXR team to be a thriving, growing team of product experts and UX focused professionals continuously supporting all phases of our client journeys.

Final Documentation

UXR Process Document: here